Let’s proceed step by step by using template 6:

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Template Instructions

As for Step 5, for either sequence start with

1 Choose a moment in any situation, give it a name and write it at the top of the template under “Name of Situation.”
2 At the bottom of the template in the semi-box entitled “PEACE,” transcribe the PEACE elements you have listed previously as your definition of happiness in general,
3 Observe and reflect on the situation from all WORLD aspects as you have learned to do with template 4a and make notes in the corresponding spaces at the top of this template.

Watch a general overview of how to use template 6.GO.

Transcript (.pdf, 125 Kb)6m 15s

At this point you can choose from 2 sequences

Chart: 1. Name of Situation (arrow) 2. PEACE (arrow) 3. WORLD (2 arrows offering divergent paths: a & b). Path a - 4. Evidence Non-Conductive MINDSET (arrow) 5: Envision Conductive MINDSET Path b - 4. Envision Conductive MINDSET (arrow) 5. Evidence Non-Conductive MINDSET (two arrows return chart to single path) 6. Choose techniques (arrow) 7. GO Practice

Sequence A

Sequence B

4 Observe the moment in the situation, describe your experience of it, dimension by dimension, and note the dimension that is conducive to happiness next to the corresponding box on the right and the dimension that is non-conducive to happiness next to the corresponding box on the left.

Then move to

5 Envision or imagine what the experience would be if all of its dimensions would be conducive to happiness. Note these dimensions on the right side under “Envision Conducive.” As you do this, bear in mind your PEACE elements. If you have evidenced some dimensions that are conducive to happiness during 4., you may retain them or envision other ones as you may see fit.
4 Envision or imagine what the experience would be if all of its dimensions would be conducive to happiness. Note these dimensions on the right side, under “Envision Conducive.” As you do this, bear in mind your PEACE elements.

Then proceed to

5 Observe the moment in the situation and describe your experience of it, dimension by dimension, and note the dimensions that are conducive to happiness next to the corresponding box on the right and the dimensions that are non-conducive to happiness next to the corresponding box on the left. Add the dimensions evidenced as conducive to happiness during 5. next to those envisioned as conducive to happiness, if the two are different.
6 Choose techniques, dimension by dimension to opt for the conducive whilst giving up the non-conducive. A list of such techniques is offered below. Write down the techniques one by one next to each dimension in the space entitled “Techniques for practice.”

Conclude with

7 Practicing with the chosen techniques.

The changes are first and foremost done on MINDSET dimensions because that is where our experiences mostly originate and where we have the most agency and control. Moreover, the primary and most important transformation is at the dimension level because that is where the source and choice of happiness lie—within us, intrinsically. However, once this is done, there may be aspects of situations that need to be considered and adjustments made accordingly. This also applies to our elements of happiness.

Consider the graphic depictions of the GO process below:

GO: Give up, Opt for

The process consists of active but gentle opting for what you would like to experience and gently giving up or letting go of what you would no longer like to experience. This requires positive attention and mental movement toward what is conducive to happiness alongside a gentle disinvesting in what is non-conducive to happiness. Moving from non-conducive to conducive should be done gently, with as little struggle as possible. Actively opposing the non-conducive would only reinforce it by putting attention and effort on it. Therefore, the process is one of gently letting these experiences pass by whilst putting attention and effort on the dimensions that are conducive to happiness. It means gently but firmly choosing the conducive whilst gently letting go of the non-conducive. To these ends, a multitude of techniques can be chosen for both opting for and for giving-up—at a very gentle pace. It is also important to follow the process precisely, dimension by dimension, especially at first.